Colocation prices
Server Colocation

Sofia, Telepoint East data center

Subscription plan params Server Colocation (Small) Server Colocation (Medium) Server Colocation (Large)
Rack Units 1-2 1-2 1-2
Power, W 250 350 450
Consumption, kWh 180 252 324
Net Port 1/10 Gbit/s 1/10 Gbit/s 1/10 Gbit/s
Internet Speed 1 Gbit/s 1.5 Gbit/s 2 Gbit/s
Internet IP addresses 2 4 6
Internet BGP yes yes yes
RDBIX Speed Sofia 10 Gbit/s 10 Gbit/s 10 Gbit/s
RDBIX Speed V.Tarnovo 1 Gbit/s 1 Gbit/s 1 Gbit/s
RDBIX BGP yes yes yes
Delivery, days 1 1 1
Support, hours 1 1 1
Setup Price, EUR 50 50 50
Price EUR/month 150.00 200.00 250.00

Subscription plan paramsServer Colocation (Small)
Rack Units1-2 Power, W250 Consumption, kWh180 Net Port1/10 Gbit/s Internet Speed1 Gbit/s Internet IP addresses2 Internet BGPyes RDBIX Speed Sofia10 Gbit/s RDBIX Speed V.Tarnovo1 Gbit/s RDBIX BGPyes Delivery, days1 Support, hours1 Setup Price, EUR50 Price EUR/month150.00
Subscription plan paramsServer Colocation (Medium)
Rack Units1-2 Power, W350 Consumption, kWh252 Net Port1/10 Gbit/s Internet Speed1.5 Gbit/s Internet IP addresses4 Internet BGPyes RDBIX Speed Sofia10 Gbit/s RDBIX Speed V.Tarnovo1 Gbit/s RDBIX BGPyes Delivery, days1 Support, hours1 Setup Price, EUR50 Price EUR/month200.00
Subscription plan paramsServer Colocation (Large)
Rack Units1-2 Power, W450 Consumption, kWh324 Net Port1/10 Gbit/s Internet Speed2 Gbit/s Internet IP addresses6 Internet BGPyes RDBIX Speed Sofia10 Gbit/s RDBIX Speed V.Tarnovo1 Gbit/s RDBIX BGPyes Delivery, days1 Support, hours1 Setup Price, EUR50 Price EUR/month250.00
Colocation 1/4 Rack

Sofia, Telepoint East data center

Subscription plan params Colocation 1/4 Rack (Small) Colocation 1/4 Rack (Medium) Colocation 1/4 Rack (Large)
Rack Units 10 10 10
Power, W 400 800 1200
Consumption, kWh 288 576 864
Net Port 1/10 Gbit/s 1/10 Gbit/s 1/10 Gbit/s
Internet Speed 1 Gbit/s 1.5 Gbit/s 2 Gbit/s
Internet IP addresses 4 8 12
Internet BGP yes yes yes
RDBIX Speed Sofia 10 Gbit/s 10 Gbit/s 10 Gbit/s
RDBIX Speed V.Tarnovo 1 Gbit/s 1 Gbit/s 1 Gbit/s
RDBIX BGP yes yes yes
Delivery, days 7 7 7
Support, hours 2 2 2
Setup Price, EUR 350 350 350
Price EUR/month 350.00 500.00 650.00

Subscription plan paramsColocation 1/4 Rack (Small)
Rack Units10 Power, W400 Consumption, kWh288 Net Port1/10 Gbit/s Internet Speed1 Gbit/s Internet IP addresses4 Internet BGPyes RDBIX Speed Sofia10 Gbit/s RDBIX Speed V.Tarnovo1 Gbit/s RDBIX BGPyes Delivery, days7 Support, hours2 Setup Price, EUR350 Price EUR/month350.00
Subscription plan paramsColocation 1/4 Rack (Medium)
Rack Units10 Power, W800 Consumption, kWh576 Net Port1/10 Gbit/s Internet Speed1.5 Gbit/s Internet IP addresses8 Internet BGPyes RDBIX Speed Sofia10 Gbit/s RDBIX Speed V.Tarnovo1 Gbit/s RDBIX BGPyes Delivery, days7 Support, hours2 Setup Price, EUR350 Price EUR/month500.00
Subscription plan paramsColocation 1/4 Rack (Large)
Rack Units10 Power, W1200 Consumption, kWh864 Net Port1/10 Gbit/s Internet Speed2 Gbit/s Internet IP addresses12 Internet BGPyes RDBIX Speed Sofia10 Gbit/s RDBIX Speed V.Tarnovo1 Gbit/s RDBIX BGPyes Delivery, days7 Support, hours2 Setup Price, EUR350 Price EUR/month650.00
General terms

The announced speeds are for shared capacity, unlimited traffic and fair usage.

VLANs can be built between all client colocated servers and virtual instances in all points and regions of the Radibase network.

Prices do not include VAT.
Other configurations are possible on demand.

For more details:
skype: radibase
phone: +359 878 150 111