Hosting services
Automated orders

If an automated provisioning channel is available for a particular service, it can be provisioned by the customer and executed automatically in real-time without administrator intervention.
In the long term, we will aim to automate the provisioning of all hosting services where this is possible.

Execution of orders by administrator

If a certain service is planned to have automation, but is in the process of development and is not available at the time of the order, the customer can make the request by e-mail, phone, skype or a simplified request form, if available.
After receiving the request, it is executed by an administrator in the shortest possible time, after the agreement of the service parameters with the client.
In this case, if the service is standard, the customer does not pay the cost of system administration and setup.
Additional payment can be arranged for a non-standard service, after specifying the client's requirements.


Hosting services are invoiced monthly on the 1st of the month and include the requested consumption for the current month.
Payment is made by bank transfer by the 10th of the month to which the invoice refers.

Free credits

If the customer has received any free credits for a certain type of service in the form of cash equivalents or free system administration hours, they are deducted from the monthly consumption and are valid for an unlimited period until they are completely used.

Suspension and termination of hosting services

If an invoiced payment is overdue by more than 10 days, we may limit or temporarily suspend the use of the services by retaining the stored information, and if overdue by more than 30 days, we may terminate the service and delete the stored data.

For more details:
skype: radibase
phone: +359 878 150 111